Oct. 30, 2024, 9:13 p.m.
Romans 12:12 12. Be cheerful about your hope, enduring persecution and consistently praying. 13. Contribute to the needs of the believers and practice hospitality. 14. Bless anyone who persecute you--be a blesser and not a curser. 15. Be cheerful along with others who're happy, but weep along with those who're weeping. 16. Treat others all the same--not treating some as higher and being condescending to those who're poorer. 17. Don't return evil to anyone, but do good to everyone. 18. If it's possible for you all, be at peace with everyone. 19. Dear friends, don't take revenge on others, but leave it to God's severe anger, because it's written: 'The master says, Vengeance belongs to me--I'll be the one to repay.' 20. But if your enemies are hungry, then feed them, and if they're thirsty, then give them a drink, because you'll be leaving them to their own shame and judgement. 21. Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with goodness.